Who it helps

Find & FIX cloud misconfigurations faster with
powerful & safe no-code automation.
Free up your teams' valuable time
Remove the pain from cloud compliance projects
Enable your business to become more attractive to new & existing customers
Benefit from the most efficient, automated AWS Well-Architected Framework Reviews
Drive huge operational efficiencies with AWS Sales Automation
Bring ​Cloud and Development Teams Together
6pillars' AUTOMATE+ bridges the gap between once-disparate Cloud and Dev teams by enabling self-healing configuration in code pipelines and cloud infrastructure to safely yet dramatically reduce the operational overhead to meet exacting security and compliance best-practice demands.
By enabling collaboration through an accelerated adoption and maintenance of best-practice, both teams are able to over-deliver on respective KPIs.
Cloud Infrastructure Team Benefits
Do More with Less​
Massively increase available team resources and skills
Bring cloud sprawl to heel
Materially reduce alert noise and fatigue
Increase team happiness, efficiency, retention and handover risk
Nail the operational impact of security and compliance projects
Contribute automation runbook requests to the largest existing, extensive automation library
Benefit from increased automation, safety features and value over time
Development Team Benefits
Mitigate Risks, Accelerate Compliance​
Accelerate compliance adoption across the organisation
Reduce cycles spent on demonstrating compliance to customers
Reduce risks with security events and misconfigurations remediated in code pipelines
Reduce data breach risk
Quickly and clearly demonstrate best-or-breed compliance to the board
AWS Partner Team Benefits
Save Engineers' time on Well-Architected Framework Reviews, accelerate sales pipelines.
Save on average 6 hours per AWS Well-Architected Framework Review
Enable account managers to perform initial reviews
Accelerate sales pipelines with unique AWS Sales Automation

Opt-in Automation

6pillars' AUTOMATE+ couples a comprehensive suite of AWS-native security and compliance services with 6pillars' Patent Pending Automation Application and Playbook Library, providing customers with real-time automated cyber security and continuous compliance with configuration best practice in a safe and fully customisable way.