Shift-Left, Protect-Right
Don't just find issues - fix AWS misconfigurations in real-time in complete safety with pipeline copilots & the largest library of no-code continuous compliance automations
Shift-Left: Develop faster and detect misconfigurations earlier in your pipelines
Protect-Right: Save engineers' time in not only finding but fixing misconfigurations in AWS in real-time
Get Well-Architected: Fast-track Well-Architected Framework Reviews in minutes with automation across all pillars
Start saving your team's time, fixing once and eliminating compliance drift today.

"Through 2025, more than 99% of cloud security failures will be the customer’s fault, specifically the result of misconfigurations or mistakes by end users."


"Other tools detect, but don't fix.
Sometimes those tools even automate the creation of new tasks, creating MORE work!"
"6pillars helps us not only identify but remediate security misconfigurations
in minutes, allowing us to
save mountains of time and maintain
true continuous compliance."
AWS Partner
"We save mountains of time, increase customer engagement and deliver an automated Managed Service, all built on the foundation of 6pillars' automation.
Managed Services Provider
"We've achieved a massive increase in the security posture of our workloads in AWS and are now protected by real time security remediation."
Technology Platform Provider
"Achieving automated security and compliance not only allows us to comply with security standards but to have that delivered on a real-time, continuous basis is a huge competitive advantage."
"We're looking to align with standards including ISO27001 and love the concept of continuous, automated security remediation."